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My Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises - Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are one of the most effective upper-body exercises.
Christopher Daoud

by Christopher Daoud

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Pull-ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises. Performing this exercise requires upper body strength, core stability, and muscle coordination. One of the best things about pull-ups is they are very effective compound exercises. No single muscle can pull your body weight up over the bar on its own. Here all the upper body muscles must work together to perform this movement. Another great thing about pull-ups is you can emphasize different muscles depending on how you grip the bar. A close grip will target the lats and biceps, whereas a wider grip will help you build the middle of your back.

Since pull-ups are a more advanced bodyweight exercise, many people are intimidated to try them. A great way to start is by using an assisted pull-up machine. These machines are different than many other machines in the gym. The more weight you put on, the easier the exercise becomes as the weight added reduces the load you pull up. This makes the upward phase of the movement easier. This machine offers many of the same benefits as the bodyweight version. When I started working out, I used this machine until I was able to do unassisted pull-ups on my own.

Now, if you're on the opposite end of the spectrum, you can make this exercise harder by doing them with additional weight. You can try doing them with a weighted vest, dumbbell, or weight belt. At this point, you're probably ready to try some even more advanced exercises with your pull-up bar. Some additional exercises you can try include muscle-ups and windshield whippers.

How to do a traditional pull-up:

  • Grab the bar with your hands approximately shoulder-width apart, and your palms facing forward.
  • Breathe out while pulling yourself up to the bar using your back muscles.
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position while breathing in.

Pull-up benefits:

  • Pull-ups are one of the best exercises you can do for your back muscles. When you perform a pullup, you strengthen the latissmus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, and many other muscles in your back.
  • Don't worry, the front of your body isn't left out during this exercise either. Pull-ups also strengthen your chest, shoulders, and arms. You also engage your abs during this exercise, which makes this a great core exercise too.
  • Pullups are one of the best ways to increase your grip strength. Grip strength is necessary for many day-to-day activities, such as opening a jar or carrying groceries. Grip strength is also crucial in sports, rock climbing, and lifting weights.
  • They don't require much equipment. Door frame pull-up bars are relatively inexpensive, and in my opinion, are a must-have in your home gym. This exercise can also be done outdoors using a solid tree limb or in parks on playground equipment.

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